I am interested in becoming a Coach. Do I need to be certified?

Whilst certification helps with establishing your credentials, particularly if you are new to the industry, there is no mandatory requirement for a Coach to be certified by any authority. So you can offer coaching services without being certified as one.

How does LSC help me in becoming a Coach?

First of all, we ask you to go through the course profile available on our website to get a basic understanding of what Coaching involves. You can then Enrol for any of our seminars regularly conducted online, where we provide you with detailed knowledge on the topic and arm you with essentials to commence work as a Coach. These Webinars are generally held over a weekend so as not to interfere with your normal work routine. The cost of attending the webinar is advertised along with the seminar dates prior to holding the Webinars.

Can I pre-register for the Webinars?

Yes, you can. We encourage you to do so. Just click “Join a Webinar” or “Contact us” on our website, fill in the details requested, and we will communicate the dates and cost of attending the Webinar to you. Payments can be made online to complete the registration process.

How do I enrol for individual sessions provided by LSC?

Just click “Enrol now” icons on our website for the services you desire, fill in the details required and we shall contact you.

What processes are followed prior to Enroling a client for any coaching specialisation service?

In order to assess your suitability for coaching and to better understand your needs and goals, we send out a questionnaire consisting of 20 statements. Each statement will require you to rate your response on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the most applicable and 1 being the least applicable.

By doing so, it allows us to gain valuable insights into your current situation, challenges, and aspirations, thus enabling us to tailor our coaching sessions specifically to your unique circumstances, ensuring that our partnership is focused on achieving your objectives effectively and efficiently.

Before embarking on the individually structured sessions, all aspects of the coaching process including timelines, costs and outcomes are discussed and agreed upon in detail.

All of the above services are offered online within a defined time frame and cost agreed upon with the client.

What about Coaching specialisation s?

Our course on How to become a Coach essentially arms you with the knowledge, fundamentals and principles required to become a Life Coach. This learning is essential for you to branch out to any Coaching specialisation , of which there are many. When choosing a specialisation , consider your passion, expertise, and the needs of your potential clients. Some examples of Coaching specialisation s include Executive Coaching, Business Coaching, Health and Wellness Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Parenting Coaching, Spirituality Coaching, and Entrepreneurship Coaching.

What is Life Coaching, Executive Coaching, Business Coaching, Entrepreneurship Coaching and Health and Wellness Coaching?

  • Life Coaching: Life coaches help individuals set and achieve personal goals in various aspects of their lives.
  • Executive Coaching: Executive coaches work with executives and leaders to enhance their leadership skills, improve decision-making, and achieve organizational goals.
  • Business Coaching: Business coaches help entrepreneurs and business owners improve their business strategies, operations, and overall performance.
  • Entrepreneurship Coaching: Entrepreneurship coaches support aspiring entrepreneurs in launching and growing their businesses.
  • Health and Wellness Coaching: Health and wellness coaches support clients in making healthy lifestyle choices, such as improving diet, fitness, and stress management.
  • All of the above services are offered online within a defined time frame and cost agreed upon with the client.

What are the key services provided by LSC?

  1. A course on How to become a Coach via online live seminars held regularly
  2. Executive Coaching structured individually for each executive delivered online on a one-to-one basis
  3. Business and Entrepreneur Coaching structured for each business/Entrepreneur delivered online one-to-one or in groupings of staff members as per client requirements
  4. Health and Wellness Coaching structured both individually and in group sessions as per client requirements delivered online or in person, if possible.

What is the market size of the Coaching industry?

Please refer to the article on our website titled Market size of the Coaching industry.

The coaching business has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, as individuals and organizations increasingly recognize the value of professional coaching in achieving personal and professional goals.

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